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Curipod is a tool designed for educators to enhance classroom engagement by sparking discussions and capturing student voices. The platform offers various interactive features such as polls, word clouds, open questions, drawings, and Q&A sessions, all aimed at encouraging student participation. With ready-made templates that can be easily adapted to meet specific teaching needs, Curipod ensures that every student is heard and fosters reflection through exposure to diverse ideas and opinions.

This AI tool is similar to other platforms such as Caktus AI.

Key Features:

  1. Interactive Elements: Curipod offers a range of interactive tools including polls, word clouds, and drawing boards that engage students and make learning more dynamic.
  2. Ready-Made Templates: The platform provides customizable templates that save time and help teachers easily integrate interactive activities into their lessons.


Basic plan$0Basic customer support
1 lesson translation per month
School & District Plan$3,999Premium Content: Test Prep, ELA Immersive Package, Bilingual ESL/ELL (CCSS & TEKS aligned)
Student insights
Priority support
Unlimited lesson translations
Customized rubrics for AI feedback
SSO, data privacy agreements
Shared lesson planning spaces

Use Cases:

  • Classroom Engagement: Teachers can use Curipod to create interactive lessons that actively involve students, increasing participation and interest.
  • Remote Learning: The tool is ideal for virtual classrooms, allowing educators to maintain engagement and capture student input in an online setting.
  • Feedback Collection: Curipod helps in collecting real-time feedback from students, providing insights into their understanding and opinions.


  1. Is Curipod really free?
    Yes, Curipod is a completely free tool for educators.
  2. Can I use Curipod for remote learning?
    Absolutely, Curipod is designed to be effective in both physical and virtual classrooms.
  3. Are the templates customizable?
    Yes, Curipod offers ready-made templates that can be adapted to fit specific teaching needs.

Final Verdict:

Curipod is an exceptional tool for educators looking to enhance classroom engagement and ensure every student’s voice is heard. Its array of interactive features, such as polls, word clouds, and drawing boards, coupled with ready-made and customizable templates, makes it a versatile addition to any teaching toolkit. The fact that it is entirely free removes any financial barriers, making it accessible for all educators. Curipod effectively bridges the gap between traditional and modern teaching methods, promoting active participation and deeper reflection among students. Whether used in physical classrooms or virtual environments, Curipod proves to be an invaluable resource for fostering a more interactive and inclusive learning experience.



  • Interactive polls
  • Word clouds
  • Open questions
  • Drawing boards
  • Q&A sessions
  • Ready-made templates
  • Real-time feedback
  • Customizable activities

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