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Adept is an innovative AI tool that enables users to build machine learning models and interact with their computers using natural language. It aims to help users achieve their goals and take action through everyday software, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Key Features:

  1. Natural Language Interaction: Adept allows users to interact with their computers using plain language commands. This feature enables users to perform complex tasks or actions on their computers without the need for traditional interfaces or coding knowledge. For example, users can say “Create a new spreadsheet” or “Send an email to John” and Adept will execute these commands.
  2. Machine Learning Model Building: Adept enables users to build machine learning models without the need for extensive coding or data science knowledge. This feature is particularly useful for individuals or businesses looking to leverage machine learning for various applications. Users can input their data and specify the desired outcome, and Adept will guide them through the process of creating and training a machine-learning model.

Adept Pricing:

Adept’s pricing model is not mentioned, but it is likely to offer a freemium model with basic features available for free and advanced features requiring a subscription.

Use Cases:

  • Ideal for individuals and businesses looking to streamline their workflow and increase productivity.
  • Suitable for users who prefer natural language interaction with their computer over traditional interfaces.
  • Helpful for users interested in exploring machine learning without the need for extensive coding knowledge.


  • How can I join the waitlist for Adept? You can join the waitlist by visiting the Adept website and signing up with your email address.
  • Is Adept compatible with Windows and Mac operating systems? Yes, Adept is designed to work with both Windows and Mac computers.
  • Can Adept be integrated with third-party applications? Yes, Adept can be integrated with various third-party applications to enhance its functionality.

Final verdict:

In conclusion, Adept is a promising AI tool that aims to simplify the interaction between users and their computers. With its focus on natural language interaction and machine learning model building, Adept offers a unique approach to everyday computing tasks. While it is currently in the early stages with a waitlist for access, Adept’s potential to streamline workflows and empower users to accomplish more with their computers is evident. It will be interesting to see how Adept evolves and how users will benefit from its innovative features in the future.



  • Natural language interaction
  • Machine learning model building
  • User-centered AI systems
  • Focus on helping users achieve goals
  • Turn goals into action through everyday software
  • ModelAct-1 for specific actions on the computer
  • Creating user-centered AI systems

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